The Anglican Chaplaincy of the Costa Blanca

The Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit is entirely self-supporting and relies totally on donations from members, friends and visitors - please would you consider making a donation here

To see the times of service in our worship centres please go

Welcome to the latest news from our Chaplaincy


It is with great sadness that we have to announce the recent passing away of Fr Chris Cowell, one of our clergy colleagues who gave so much to our Chaplaincy

He died on Christmas Day, and his funeral took place on Monday 30th of December

May he rest in peace and rise in glory

Please click on the icon below for the latest news about the WORLD DAY of PRAYER

A month from today is the WORLD DAY of PRAYER
Everyone is invited to attend this very special annual service
This year is has been written by the Christian women of the Cook Islands
Please pop the date in your diary, Friday 7th March at 4pm in the Albir Social Centre
(For more information, Contact Elaine at

Please click on the icon below to see the changes on our Prayers for Sunday page

Please click on the icon below for the latest edition of The Rock, issue 7

Please click on the icon below for the latest news about a really tasty pancake 'do' at La Fustera - not to be missed

Please click the icon below for the latest news about our Suffragan Bishop designate, Rev Canon Andrew Norman


Dear friends

Welcome to the new website of the Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit Costa Blanca (this is a 'work in progress' as we move from our 'old' site), and we hope you find the content informative and easy to navigate

All our worship centres are welcoming congregations in carefully prepared and fully compliant sanitised conditions, held at the regular service times shown above

However, since we share our buildings with our hosts, from time to time, we may have to alter times of service at short notice or, more rarely, cancel services - where possible, and as soon as possible, these details will appear in our latest news panel on this page

To find a worship centre in the Costa Blanca North area please select the location on this map, and click on the circle

Gandia Denia Javea La Fustera Calpe Albir Alfaz del Pi El Campello costablanca

You will find details about the worship centre, how to get there and service times  - alternatively you can contact the member of our clergy team having responsibility for that worship centre

Also, at the right of the screen, are the contact details for our clergy team - if you are viewing this on a mobile 'phone, please go to the very bottom of the page, just above the safeguarding notice (which appears on every page of this site)


As well as our regular in-person worship, we offer a weekly live-streamed Eucharist, normally on Saturday evening, celebrated by Father Rodney Middleton and Father Robin Pettit

Occasionally this has to be moved to Sunday morning, but if you miss the live-stream, it is recorded and can be viewed here or on Facebook using this link


or on this website for one week using the link in the menu


It would be a delight to welcome you to any of our services or to be part of our on-line presence


We also offer a weekly intercession resource for use at the Eucharist, offered to us by Fr Steve Foster,(a former member of our clergy team), so please feel free to use this using the link in the menu


Our chaplaincy is entirely self-funding

Any donation would be of enormous help to us and would be very much appreciated


Every Blessing

Fr. Paul Dean

Lead Chaplain

Services for this week are as advertised


Please note that the service at

The Franciscan Hospice, PALMA DE GANDIA

will now start at 12.15


You can contact any member of our clergy team to arrange a baptism, wedding, funeral or a home visit from here


Fr Paul Dean

+34 711 061 864

Albir/Alfaz del Pi and El Campello


Fr Jim Booker

+34 670 846 898

Denia and Javea


Fr Rodney Middleton

+34 678 318 688

Gandia, La Fustera and Calpe


For more general information detailing what we can do for you, please go here