The Anglican Chaplaincy of the Costa Blanca

The Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit is entirely self-supporting and relies totally on donations from members, friends and visitors - please would you consider making a donation here

Times of Service
Palma de Gandia Sunday 12.00 but w.e.f. 6 October 12.15 * Denia Sunday 12.00 * Javea Sunday 09:45 and Wednesday 10:30 * La Fustera Sunday 12.15 * Calpe Sunday 10.30 * Albir/Alfas del Pi Sunday 9.30 and Thursday 11.00* El Campello Sunday 12.00

Welcome to the Weekly Intercessions

Thank you for visiting our intercession page

Please feel free to use them or adapt them as you wish

They are free for everyone, and we are delighted to share them with you

They will always be free to use

Perhaps we could suggest that if you want to, you could make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded


The Prayers of Intercession

The prayers at our Sunday Eucharist usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence


The Church of Christ, our local church, and Diocese

Creation, human society, the Sovereign and those in authority

The local community, our families, friends, and neighbours

Those who suffer

The communion of saints, the departed and the bereaved


Please use and share these prayers as you will

There is no copyright on communications with God our Heavenly Father, his beloved son Jesus Christ our Lord or with the Holy Spirit and Lord of Life

You can download a printable copy of these intercessions here

If you wich to view them on your computer, tablet or mobile 'phone, please click the link

A note from Fr Steve Foster

Blessings to all of you using these intercessions.

I’ve just realised that this page is 10 years old! 

The intercessions, initially only intended for the 7 churches of The Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy,  were first uploaded to the website in May 2014 and now attract some 18,000 hits a month

I am now retired and live in Robin Hood’s Bay, UK but agreed to continue posting weekly prayers when I returned from Spain in 2016

Yours in Christ

Rev’d Steve Foster 



Intercessions for Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Year B – 15th  September 2024

Heavenly Father hear our prayers and listen to the words of our mouths as we lay before your throne our hopes and fears, our joys and concerns and all the things for which we give thanks.

We pray for the Church, both here in The Anglican Chaplaincy of the Costa Blanca and throughout the world, and all who call themselves Christians, that they may go forward in unity and strength. Help us to respect the beliefs of others even if we do not share them, to celebrate what we have in common and to accept our differences. Guide us all in our ministries as we live each day.

 (Short Silence)

 Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God , drive away despair from our politics, revive our dreams of justice and truth, and restore our passion for what is good and right.  Establish your just and gentle rule throughout the world especially where there is conflict; where peace seems so far away and so many have lost everything, even the faint hope of a peaceful future.

 (Short Silence)

 Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God, help us always to remember that in life we are “Third” and that you and our neighbour come first and second.  Help us always to practice unselfishness as we try to live out lives where we genuinely try to be the servant of all as our Lord commanded.

 (Short Silence)

 Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Heavenly Father you gave your prophet Isaiah an “instructed tongue to know the word that sustains the weary” help us to comfort the weary and those who are ill with a call or a visit or a through the post with a get-well-card.  Help also to be constant in our prayer for friends and family in any kind of need.  We especially pray for………………


(Short Silence)

 Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving Father, we pray for those who have died alone, unnoticed and unloved. We pray for those who have committed suicide or died in accidents of their own making.  We commend all the departed to your merciful love. 

 (Short Silence)

 Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Faithful God as we leave this place today and return to our homes and loved ones draw near to us, strengthen our faith, deepen our love for you and for our neighbours and open our eyes to the wonder of your creation.

Merciful Father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.   Amen

We have been asked by The Archbishops of Canterbury and York to continue to pray for Ukraine:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We write to you as the world is in turmoil following recent events in Eastern Europe

I am sure that you will agree that the horrific and unprovoked attack on Ukraine is an act of great evil

Now, more than ever, we need to place our trust in Jesus Christ, as we remember that God is not the author of confusion but of peace; and so I urge you to pray for a ceasefire, a withdrawal of Russian forces and for peace to prevail

Pray for the innocent – the women, men and children who are displaced, whose lives are disrupted, and who live in fear of the atrocities of war

Pray for those with power – that they may make a resolute and public decision to never use force, to actively work for peace and seek peaceful solutions to dispute and disagreement

Pray that there may be a recognition of common and shared humanity and God’s promise of flourishing life for all people

The Bishop in Europe has asked us to join them in prayer for the chaplaincy in Kyiv and the churches that serve Ukraine

At this time of great uncertainty, we place our hope and trust in God, whose love never fails. Lord, have mercy



Fr Steve Foster

The Singing Vicar
