The Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit is entirely self-supporting and relies totally on donations from members, friends and visitors - please would you consider making a donation here
This chaplaincy exists to support anyone who needs what it is able to offer
By a similar token, the chaplaincy exists because of the generosity of those who attend our worship centres, those who fundraise both by making events happen and those who come along to support these efforts and by donations of all types, for all reasons and for no reason than simple generosity
We know that these may be difficult times for people here in Spain and for those with families back in the UK and elsewhere and so we are most grateful for any help
If you wish to make a donation, here are the ways in which you can do so
By donating at a service, a wedding blessing or a funeral service - if you are a UK visitor and wish us to claim a tax rebate from HMRC, please ask for a 'yellow envelope' and complete the details on the envelope - you can donate in sterling or in euros, and we can arrange transfer and conversion where appropriate
By donating directly by transfer to our Euro bank account in Spain, either as a one-off donation or as a regular donation
Please contact the treasurer for more information
If you choose to do this, please ensure that you indicate that it is a donation when you make the transfer
If it is a regular transfer, in euros, and we have your details, we can arrange for a tax certificate for you to reclaim tax, as a resident in Spain, on your donation
By donating directly by transfer to our Sterling account in the UK - this can be in sterling or in euros (which will be converted into sterling)
This account is held and managed by the Diocese in Europe
Account name: The Diocese in Europe Fund
Account Number: 40317039
Sort-code: 20-06-13
Swiftbic code: BUKBGB22
IBAN GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39
Please make sure that Costa Blanca is the destination account quoted, this is most easily done by adding CBlancaN (Costa Blanca North) after your name
Please also consider making it a tax efficient payment, if you pay UK tax, using Gift Aid, so that your donation helps us even more
It would be of great assistance if you could notify either the Diocesan Finance Officer, or our chaplaincy treasurer that the donation is made, should you wish - it makes sure that it does not 'get lost'
By donating directly using this button
This will take you to a Diocese in Europe giving page, where you can donate to us, directly to our Diocesan account - please be sure to specify CBlancaN or Costa Blanca North when you donate
The donation can be made in euros or in Sterling
And last but very much not least, the members of the chaplaincy support the Franciscan Hospice at Palma de Gandia and other local aid agencies with supplies, food and other necessities - we can help distribute any donations in kind
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You can now also give using this QR code
Scanning this will allow you to donate directly into our Diocesan account in whichever currency you choose
Please remember to specify CBlancaN as the destination for your donation